9/20 澳門 威尼斯人酒店
9/22 香港 IBIS hotel
9/23 香港->台北
D1: 7/20: 台北大阪關西空港;紀伊田辺
D2: 7/21: 紀伊田辺 南紀白濱=>紀伊田辺
D3: 7/22: 紀伊田辺 倉敷(美観地区)=> 岡山(夢二郷土美術館、後樂園)=>倉敷
D5: 7/24: 城崎温泉 天橋立-> 新大阪 -> 彦根 ->新大阪
D6: 7/25: 大阪天神祭一日遊
D7: 7/26: 大阪 高野山=>;奈良->高野山
D8: 7/27: 大阪 京都
D9: 7/28: 大阪 台北
Day 1 (2/5) 台北→馬尼拉→巴拉望→市區觀光2/4 21:30出發→ 桃園機場23:25報到→ 2/5 01:25起飛至馬尼拉2/5 03:35到馬尼拉→ 領行李、US換PHP2/5 07:00準備轉搭國內班機→ 馬尼拉08:10起飛→ 09:30至巴拉望10:00 Microtel hotel 在機場接送至hotel車程約 30mins11:00 Check-out Microtel hotel (服務人員態度佳,推薦, 房間大 standard room (garden view)放2張大床,有swimming pool,離beach 不遠, 早晨可看日出,旁有紅樹林有看生態 推薦, 但離town 約7km 搭車30分鐘不便)先在房間補眠02:00 在餐廳吃午餐 Salad P260 ,Bread P40,mango juice P60.total: P412 (plus 10%service fee)Dinner out: hotel有shuttle serivce for lunch/dinnerKinabuchs Grill & Bar,(這家的餐點價位合理,海鮮湯可提供4人用,對2人用餐 份量稍大)Kried chicken half (半隻) p145Mixed seafood P175Garlice rice x2 P40Coke x2 P60Banana turon delight P40Chocolate ice cream P35Total: P544Day 2 本田灣海島環遊HONDA BAY ISLAND HOPPING TOUR(2/6) Hotel: Puerto Pension(服務人員態度佳,推薦)8:00 Check-out Microtel hotel接送我們至機場旁的Alex 租機車 (P1100 for 2 days)Rent motorcycle 加油 P110騎去Honday Bay..騎過頭..騎到一個山坡上有白色大字架後,回頭問騎機車的菲律賓人到Honday Bay (HOBBAI) 剩下大船(P1500)與一對新加坡情侶share 一半(P750 for 2pax)行程如下:Pandan island 浮潛 entrance fee P50 eachSnake island 浮潛和餵魚,午餐 (Fresh Fish 半斤P125, Marinated Pork 烤豬肉(Limpo) P70,2 cup of rice P30, total P225)Coral reefs 浮潛 ,entrance fee P50 eachDinner:Balinsasayaw Grill (推薦這家的餐點不錯吃,價位合理)No reciept.. 約P600Day 3 Hotel: Puerto Pension(2/7) Underground River ,騎車到Sabang ( 過了Bahile 開始有近1km 爛泥巴路) 不建議機車折磨自己我們去了才知道網路上說路況好,是不正確的,且回程路上,還看到有老外騎車摔倒在路旁隨後不久,有看到救護車急駛過來)(個人親身經歷, 誠懇奉勸有網友不要嘗試騎車前往Sabang)加油 P130 (9:00am--->11:30am arrive Sabang)Permission P200 for 1pax =P400 Share boat with Franch/China couple P350 (1 boat P700)Lunch: @ Green cottageSquid adobo P150Plain rice x2 P30Shrimp Cerry P180Coke x2 P50Total: P410加油 P50Dinner:Kalui , reservation at 20:30 (這家的餐點價位合理,但份量過少)Special of the day set P395Coconut P50green mango juice P60Total: P560Chowking eat HALO REG 1SCP P652/8 Crocodile Farm (P40 )& Baker's Hill (free)buy Crocodile 紀念品 P75加油 P2013:55 Airphil express cancel the flight15:00 checkin philipine airlinesby trickyle to NCCCmall (p20)eat pork meal P60 x2 = p120by trickyle to airport (p30)18:00 departure to Manila T2 go to hotel by Taxi (P300)check in The Mabuhay Manor Hotel(強烈不推薦該hotel,房間好舊,air-condition故障,打給前台,還慢吞吞來打第二通, 警告要快來,不然換房間,才趕緊派人上來看,原來是鑰匙電源接觸不良)房間走廊遇到大老鼠, 看門doorman 服務.不幫你開大門還不協助提行李)arrange hotel van to SM mall of Asia (P160)eat YakiMIx (P680 each)total:P1300 (transpotatoin) and eat P1602/9 airport 7:00am go to T3 airport by hotel van (P250),航空公司無提供shuttle service T3 to clark airport8:00am go to Bus termail by Taxi (P200)8:30am go to clark airport by bus (P350 each)= P700Spirit of Manila airline cancel our flight.wait..wait.wait...航空公司補償P250 (meal allowance)and P50 for airport transporatoinarrange Cebu pacific air 22:30pm flight15:00pm take bus at Dau bus terminal17:00pm arrive to Manila EDSA stationgo arround and LRT eat dinner P80 each = P160---total:P1300 (transpotatoin) and eat P160