Day 1 (2/5) 台北→馬尼拉→巴拉望→市區觀光
2/4 21:30出發→ 桃園機場23:25報到→ 2/5 01:25起飛至馬尼拉
2/5 03:35到馬尼拉→ 領行李、US換PHP
2/5 07:00準備轉搭國內班機→ 馬尼拉08:10起飛→ 09:30至巴拉望
10:00 Microtel hotel 在機場接送至hotel
車程約 30mins
11:00 Check-out Microtel hotel (服務人員態度佳,推薦, 房間大 standard room (garden view)放2張大床,有swimming pool,離beach 不遠, 早晨可看日出,旁有紅樹林有看生態 推薦, 但離town 約7km 搭車30分鐘不便)
02:00 在餐廳吃午餐 Salad P260 ,Bread P40,mango juice P60.
total: P412 (plus 10%service fee)
Dinner out: hotel有shuttle serivce for lunch/dinner
Kinabuchs Grill & Bar,(這家的餐點價位合理,海鮮湯可提供4人用,對2人用餐 份量稍大)
Kried chicken half (半隻) p145
Mixed seafood P175
Garlice rice x2 P40
Coke x2 P60
Banana turon delight P40
Chocolate ice cream P35
Total: P544
(2/6) Hotel: Puerto Pension(服務人員態度佳,推薦)
8:00 Check-out Microtel hotel
接送我們至機場旁的Alex 租機車 (P1100 for 2 days)
Rent motorcycle
加油 P110
騎去Honday Bay..騎過頭..騎到一個山坡上有白色大字架後,回頭問騎機車的菲律賓人
到Honday Bay (HOBBAI) 剩下大船(P1500)與一對新加坡情侶share 一半(P750 for 2pax)
Pandan island 浮潛 entrance fee P50 each
Snake island 浮潛和餵魚,午餐 (Fresh Fish 半斤P125, Marinated Pork 烤豬肉(Limpo) P70,2 cup of rice P30, total P225)
Coral reefs 浮潛 ,entrance fee P50 each
Dinner:Balinsasayaw Grill (推薦這家的餐點不錯吃,價位合理)
No reciept.. 約P600
Day 3 Hotel: Puerto Pension
(2/7) Underground River ,
騎車到Sabang ( 過了Bahile 開始有近1km 爛泥巴路) 不建議機車折磨自己
(個人親身經歷, 誠懇奉勸有網友不要嘗試騎車前往Sabang)
加油 P130 (9:00am--->11:30am arrive Sabang)
Permission P200 for 1pax =P400
Share boat with Franch/China couple P350 (1 boat P700)
Lunch: @ Green cottage
Squid adobo P150
Plain rice x2 P30
Shrimp Cerry P180
Coke x2 P50
Total: P410
加油 P50
Dinner:Kalui , reservation at 20:30 (這家的餐點價位合理,但份量過少)
Special of the day set P395
Coconut P50
green mango juice P60
Total: P560
Chowking eat HALO REG 1SCP P65
2/8 Crocodile Farm (P40 )& Baker's Hill (free)
buy Crocodile 紀念品 P75
加油 P20
13:55 Airphil express cancel the flight
15:00 checkin philipine airlines
by trickyle to NCCCmall (p20)
eat pork meal P60 x2 = p120
by trickyle to airport (p30)
18:00 departure to Manila T2
go to hotel by Taxi (P300)
check in The Mabuhay Manor Hotel
打第二通, 警告要快來,不然換房間,才趕緊派人上來看,原來是鑰匙電源接觸不良)
房間走廊遇到大老鼠, 看門doorman 服務.不幫你開大門還不協助提行李)
arrange hotel van to SM mall of Asia (P160)
eat YakiMIx (P680 each)
total:P1300 (transpotatoin) and eat P160
2/9 airport
7:00am go to T3 airport by hotel van (P250),航空公司無提供shuttle service T3 to clark airport
8:00am go to Bus termail by Taxi (P200)
8:30am go to clark airport by bus (P350 each)= P700
Spirit of Manila airline cancel our flight.
航空公司補償P250 (meal allowance)and P50 for airport transporatoin
arrange Cebu pacific air 22:30pm flight
15:00pm take bus at Dau bus terminal
17:00pm arrive to Manila EDSA station
go arround and LRT
eat dinner P80 each = P160
---total:P1300 (transpotatoin) and eat P160